The environment, sun, pollution, lifestyle & dietary choices are some of the primary causes of aging. Genetic aging or intrinsic aging is that due to age. Extrinsic or environmental aging is that due to all other elements. Compare your skin in an area that is not exposed to sun versus one that sees sun daily. The difference you see in pigmentation, texture, elasticity is due to environmental aging. Hormones, blemishes or other trauma to the skin may also cause Hyperpigmentation. We target pigmentation issues with a wide array of treatments including our Go Spot Go™, VITal C™ and Pure C Glow™ to inhibit the new. This is boosted with our End of the Line peels and our VITal Retinol™ and exfoliating Go Spot Go Mask™ to lift and remove the old pigment. If you are prone to pigment you must do both. Refer to a Dermaware® regimen that is perfect for you. For advanced professional treatments contact us for a Dermaware® skin care spa or doctors office in your area!